An America United is an advocacy organization that rejects the extremes of both political parties, works to break the partisan gridlock, and seeks to bring people together to advance bold, common-sense solutions for all Americans.
An America United is working to change America for the better. We want to get our nation back on the right track through bipartisan, common-sense solutions to create more jobs, safer neighborhoods, and increased economic opportunities for all Americans.
As Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan has done all of these things and more. With a proven track record of working across the aisle and leading in times of crisis, Governor Hogan is showing what can be achieved when we reject political extremes, break partisan gridlock, and bring people together.
Larry Hogan is not a career politician. As a lifelong Marylander and small business owner who was fed up with sky-high taxes, politics as usual, and decades of one-party rule, he started Change Maryland, the largest non-partisan grassroots citizen organization in state history.
In 2014, out-numbered in party registration by more than 2-1, and outspent by more than 5-1, Larry Hogan pulled off the biggest upset in America on election night, becoming only the second Republican Governor elected in Maryland in 50 years.
Once in office, Governor Hogan quickly became an example of leadership for the nation, accomplishing what many believed was no longer possible: bipartisan, common sense solutions.
As Governor, Larry Hogan cut taxes for eight years in a row by $4.7 billion, including the largest tax cuts in state history. Overall, after inheriting a $5.1 billion structural budget deficit, the governor left office with a record $5.5 billion in reserves—a more than $10 billion swing. Under his leadership, Maryland produced the greatest economic turnaround in America, going from 49th out of 50 states to number six. He restored peace and order to Baltimore City during the riots of 2015, reduced the cost of health care premiums by over 30%, made historic investments in education, transportation infrastructure, and protecting the environment, and was the only Republican Governor in the country to overturn a Democratic gerrymandered map. He even achieved all this while overcoming a personal battle against cancer.
After four years of economic success and bipartisan progress in one of the bluest states in America, Governor Hogan was overwhelmingly re-elected to a second term in 2018, making him only the second Republican to do so in the entire history of the state.
When COVID struck the United States in 2020, Governor Hogan led the nation’s governors through this crisis as Chairman of the National Governors Association. In Maryland, the governor’s decisive and balanced leadership helped save countless lives and livelihoods.
Regardless of party affiliation, Marylanders agree: Governor Hogan delivered results for his state. As Governor Hogan left office, polling consistently showed an overwhelming majority of all Republicans, Democrats and Independents—nearly 80% of all Marylanders—approve of the job he did, the highest of any governor in Maryland history and one of the highest of any governor in the nation.
An America United believes that Governor Hogan’s record in Maryland can serve as a model for the nation of what we can achieve through bipartisan common sense solutions. Join us and together we can change America for the better.