While gas prices are skyrocketing across the country, Governor Hogan is working in a bipartisan way to secure relief for Marylanders at the pump.
Yesterday, Governor Hogan announced a bipartisan agreement with legislative leaders to suspend the gas tax for 30 days. This comes after Governor Hogan passed the largest tax cut in Maryland history with near unanimous support last year.
In a statement announcing the deal, Governor Hogan also reiterated his call for the “Biden administration to increase domestic energy production to help lower costs.” Last week, Governor Hogan joined a statement of Republican governors, urging President Biden “to reverse his policies and restore America’s energy independence” so “we can protect our national energy security and sell to our friends rather than buy from our enemies.”
This significant gas tax holiday agreement shows once again how Maryland continues to set an example for the rest of the country on how to put aside partisan politics and work across the aisle to deliver results in times of crisis.