With both chambers of Congress back in session this week, Governor Hogan –the Chairman of the National Governors Association – has released a joint bipartisan statement with Governor Cuomo. The statement renews the nation’s governors request for “urgent state fiscal relief” that is necessary to prevent “cuts that will devastate the essential services the American people rely on and destroy the economic recovery before it even gets off the ground.”
The nation’s governors are also calling for “enhanced FMAP funding to provide healthcare to our most vulnerable, and 100 percent federal cost share for FEMA response and recovery efforts.”
As Governor Hogan noted in a Washington Post op-ed last week, with “widespread bipartisan agreement that state and local aid is essential for the nation’s recovery,” the nation’s governors and the American people “cannot afford a partisan process that turns this urgent relief into another political football.”
View The Joint Bipartisan Statement Here and Below
“As Congress reconvenes, delivering urgent state fiscal relief must be a top priority. Each
day that Congress fails to act, states are being forced to make cuts that will devastate
the essential services the American people rely on and destroy the economic recovery
before it even gets off the ground.
“With widespread bipartisan agreement on the need for this assistance, we cannot
afford a partisan process that turns this urgent relief into another political football. This
is not a red state or blue state crisis. This is a red white and blue pandemic. The
coronavirus is apolitical. It does not attack Democrats or Republicans. It attacks
“The nation’s governors are counting on our leaders in Washington to come together,
put partisanship aside, and to get this done for the American people. This is why the
National Governors Association continues to call for the passage of critical priorities that
will help states and territories lead us through this pandemic response and get America
moving again: $500 billion in fiscal support for state budgetary shortfalls resulting from
the pandemic, enhanced FMAP funding to provide healthcare to our most vulnerable,
and 100 percent federal cost share for FEMA response and recovery efforts.”