Governor Hogan announced a major bipartisan agreement to invest in vital infrastructure and to provide additional relief for small businesses and struggling families while strengthening Maryland’s long-term finances.
Governor Hogan’s deal with Maryland Democratic leaders Senate President Bill Ferguson and House Speaker Adrienne Jones will connect more than 567,000 Marylanders to the Internet, invest nearly $500 million in transit improvements, reduce taxes for struggling small businesses, and provide additional support for lower income households and the safe reopening of schools. All of these critical investments are achieved while strengthening the state’s long-term finances, instead of creating new government programs that will add to future deficits.
Earlier this year, Governor Hogan secured near unanimous legislative approval of his COVID-19 relief plan, which provided tax relief and economic stimulus for struggling families and small businesses. Governor Hogan is the only Republican governor in America who has recently secured tax cuts from an overwhelmingly Democratic legislature.
While Washington continues to play partisan politics, Governor Hogan is showing how to work across party lines to deliver common sense conservative results.