Governor Hogan Announces Initiative to Bolster Nation’s Supply Chain

Governor Hogan continues to lead on common sense solutions to address the nation’s supply chain crisis. Earlier today, Maryland launched the Maryland Supply Chain Resiliency Program, which helps manufacturers identify best practices to strengthen the resiliency of the supply chain.

This is just another example of the strategic investments Maryland has made under Governor Hogan to grow its economy and help support the nation’s supply chain. While many of the nation’s ports are stalled, the Port of Baltimore has added two new container ships in recently, while the number of containers at the port continues to grow by 12% year over year.

Governor Hogan’s leadership in this area has paid dividends for Maryland’s economic competitiveness. A recent CNBC report ranked Maryland as “2021′s most-improved state for business” thanks to “forward thinking” development of new infrastructure like the Port of Baltimore.