Governor Hogan appeared on CNN’s State of the Union to discuss the steps he’s taking to support Maryland’s hospitals as COVID continues to spike across the country.
Governor Hogan on COVID Response: “We’re taking all kinds of emergency actions to help our hospitals and our nursing homes…We put $100 million in emergency funding into our hospitals and nursing homes. We waived requirements for out-of-state nurses and doctors and health care workers. We’ve sped up the graduation of our nursing students so they can get out early and get out to help. We’ve called up the Maryland National Guard…We’re going to continue to take every action that we possibly can to help our hospitals, our nursing homes, and to keep people safe. Our focus is what it has always been since two years ago, and that’s trying to prevent hospitalizations and deaths.”
Governor Hogan on Vaccines: “These vaccines were designed to help stop serious illness and death, and they’re working beautifully that way. Right now, we have 92% of our state vaccinated here in Maryland, one of the most vaccinated in the country…That 8% of the population that is not vaccinated is responsible for 75% of all the people that are filling up our COVID beds in the hospital.”
**Governor Hogan on Lies About January 6th: **“It’s one of the reasons I continue to step up and tell the truth about what happened…Let’s face it. There has been an amazing amount of disinformation that has been spread this past year.”