Governor Hogan spoke to CNN’s Jake Tapper about his leadership delivering bipartisan progress on testing and essential aid for the states.
As Governor Hogan has stressed “since the beginning of this crisis,” the lack of adequate testing has been the “number one problem” in the national response. Earlier this week, Governor Hogan identified expanding testing capacity as one of the four key building blocks of Maryland’s recovery phase. Despite the national shortage, Governor Hogan and his team have been tirelessly “pushing and fighting” to secure tests “from every private lab in America and from all across the world” for weeks.
Governor Hogan has also been advocating for $500 billion in aid for the states that’s essential for the nation’s recovery. After repeatedly speaking with President Trump, Secretary Mnuchin, and congressional leaders in his role “as chief spokesman for the nation’s governors,” Governor Hogan has secured commitments from federal leaders to work together on this bipartisan relief for the states in the phase four stimulus bill.