Governor Hogan joined ABC’s “The View,” Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss “Operation Enduring Friendship” – a historic mission that successfully secured 500,000 coronavirus tests for Maryland from South Korea.
Yesterday, Governor Hogan thanked his wife Yumi – “a Korean immigrant who speaks fluent Korean” – for personally helping negotiate this diplomatic triumph. As a result of Governor Hogan’s outside the box thinking, results-oriented leadership, and special relationship with South Korea, Maryland has taken a major step towards recovery.
Governor Hogan also accepted President Trump’s offer at The White House press briefing last night to access federal labs in Maryland, noting that this state-federal cooperation “will be critical for utilizing the 500,000 tests we have acquired from South Korea” as “we’ve got the tests, they’ve got the labs.” Governor Hogan has repeatedly asked for access to these federal labs, sending a letter with Governor Northam and Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser to President Trump as far back as March 15th.