As the people of Ukraine continue to fight for their freedom and national sovereignty, Governor Hogan has made clear that Maryland stands “shoulder to shoulder with members of the Ukrainian community.”
Earlier today, Governor Hogan took part in a prayer service at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church. During the service, the Governor said: “I am proud to be here with all of you in this beautiful church, to try to address to you and speak in solidarity of all the people of Maryland that we stand with the brave, proud people of Ukraine. This has united the people of Maryland, America, and the world. Slava Ukraini.”
Over the weeked, Governor Hogan directed the Secretary of State to terminate Maryland’s sister state relationship with the Leningrad Region of Russia, directed state agencies to review any and all contracts, procurements, and holdings that may have ties to Russian entities, and praised President Zelensky for his leadership. On Friday, he also lit up the Maryland governor’s mansion blue and yellow in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.