In case you missed it, yesterday, Governor Hogan joined Fox News’ ‘Your World with Neil Cavuto’ to discuss the debt limit standoff and the future of the Republican party.
Governor Hogan on His Record in Maryland: “We’ve been really successful 30 miles outside of Washington, where everything appears to be broken and nothing but divisiveness and dysfunction. I’m in one of the bluest states in the country with a 70% progressive legislature, and I got them to cut taxes eight years in a row by $4.8 billion. And I had the biggest economic turnaround in America.”
Governor Hogan on the Debit Limit Crisis: “I’ve been probably the most successful Republican governor in a deep-blue state and we worked with a 70% Democratic legislature to turn a $5 billion dollar deficit into a $5 billion dollar surplus. And got them to cut taxes and turned the economy around. We didn’t do this by just demanding it was going to be this way or that way. We did it by sitting down and having real open, bipartisan discussions and trying to find the middle ground…You can’t get anything done unless you’re willing to talk and willing to listen and willing to find some kind of agreement.”
Governor Hogan on Trump’s Diminishing Hold On The Republican Party: “Obviously there is a really big chunk of people who really like Trump’s policies and are taking a new look at is he the one who can win the election in November and is he the best choice for us.”
Watch Governor Hogan on Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto” here.