Governor Larry Hogan (MD) was joined by Governors Charlie Baker (MA), Asa Hutchinson (AR), Phil Scott (VT), and Chris Sununu (NH) today to call on Congress to pass an urgently-needed COVID-19 relief bill before the end of 2020:
“As Republican governors on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, we strongly urge Congress to pass a bipartisan agreement on a COVID-19 relief package this month.
“More than eight months have passed since the last federal coronavirus stimulus package became law. Many vital CARES Act programs have already run out, and more are set to expire before the end of the year. The people in our states continue to pay a high price for Congress’ inaction. At this moment, millions of struggling American workers, families, and small businesses are hanging by a thread. The support of Unemployment Insurance, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and the Paycheck Protection Program, and other resources are all essential to their survival. It would be unconscionable if Congress were to pull their lifeline now.
“We recognize that there are legitimate differences of opinion on what an ideal package should contain, but these differences pale in comparison to the cost of doing nothing. It is time to act. There is no more room for partisan positioning and political gamesmanship. Congress must come together and take action now.”