As he leads recovery efforts, Governor Hogan is renewing the nation’s governors call for Congress to pass $500 billion in emergency fiscal relief for drastic state revenue shortfalls. In another joint bipartisan statement with Governor Cuomo, Governor Hogan is urging President Trump to help “break the logjam in the U.S. Senate” that’s already hurting the prospect of a strong economic recovery, emphasizing that “now is not the time for partisanship.”
This comes as Governor Hogan continues to take steps towards an evidence-based recovery in Maryland and the National Capital region. Next week, Governor Hogan will be releasing in greater detail his “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery” plan to responsibly and gradually lift current restrictions. Governor Hogan has been developing this plan for weeks based on the input of public health experts and business leaders.
Governor Hogan is also regularly speaking with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to develop “a collaborative strategy” for a regional recovery. While governors throughout America have just begun to announce regional pacts, Hogan, Northam, and Bowser have been coordinating and “working together nearly from the start of the coronavirus pandemic.”