In case you missed it, an article from National Journal discusses the importance of An America United’s message of working across party lines and Governor Hogan’s brand of results-oriented leadership during the coronavirus crisis.
As the article details, Governor Hogan founded An America United to “promote his leadership philosophy with an emphasis on working across the aisle.” The importance of this leadership approach “has been on full display in his handling of the coronavirus,” as he’s worked with leaders across the political spectrum to save lives in Maryland, the national capital region, and throughout the country.
“As the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic became more stark over the past month, the nation has turned increasingly toward its governors for steady messaging in an unsteady time. Several governors have stepped into this new spotlight, which could provide momentum toward an eventual presidential bid.
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan—a Republican who in 2018 was elected to a second term in a Democratic-leaning state—comes up in most conversations about central figures who could be well-positioned for a presidential run. Hogan, like Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio, drew attention for issuing strict guidelines about public gatherings early on. The two Republicans appeared to break with President Trump, who called the virus a ‘hoax’ the day after Hogan directed his first emergency funding toward the situation in late February.
Hogan frequently breaks with Trump and even flirted with a bid to challenge him for the nomination, but decided against it last summer. Instead, he created the nonprofit advocacy group An America United, designed to promote his leadership philosophy with an emphasis on working across the aisle.
‘It’s always critical for the political parties to work together to get common-sense things done for the country, but a crisis like this reveals the horrifying and immediate costs if that doesn’t happen,’ said group spokesman David Weinman. ‘As a result, AAU’s message and the Hogan-style of leadership becomes even more important and urgent.’
That narrative has been on display in his handling of the coronavirus. On Monday, Hogan joined forces with Whitmer to write an op-ed in The Washington Post where they called on federal lawmakers to do more. ‘The true spirit of America transcends partisanship,’ they wrote.
Hogan, meanwhile, has postponed the tour for his upcoming book—a familiar routine among most presidential candidates—to focus all his energy on managing the coronavirus crisis. While he won’t be able to meet Americans as he makes literary rounds, he will still be able to get his message across through earned media.”