While Washington once again retreats into its partisan corners, a new piece in Politico outlines how elected officials outside of Washington like Governor Hogan have worked across party lines during this global pandemic.
As “a spokesperson of sorts to all governors” during the COVID-19 crisis, Governor Hogan has consistently pulled together bipartisan groups of governors to take necessary action in the face of Washington dysfunction. In one instance, Governor Hogan “brought together a coalition of five Democratic governors and five Republican governors and, with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation, developed a compact with several American companies that were producing rapid tests for Covid-19.”
Governor Hogan is also continuing to urge Washington to follow this “example” by forging a bipartisan compromise on COVID-19 relief. Earlier this week, he appeared in a No Labels ad urging President Biden and Republicans in Congress to work together “to stop the vicious cycle of divisiveness and dysfunction.”