Governor Hogan spoke to the Ronald Reagan Foundation & Institute on Monday about the future of the GOP and the country.
In his remarks, Governor Hogan advocated for his party to reject the “false choice” between “toxic politics” and “establishment insiders,” and instead look to Republican leaders outside of Washington who are actually getting things done to improve the lives of Americans.
Here’s they’re saying about Governor Hogan’s speech:
Yahoo News: “On Monday, Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, arrived in Washington with a simple message: There is another way. Arguing in a speech before the Ronald Reagan Institute that this is a nation of ‘civility and pragmatism,’ he observed that ‘most of us are sick and tired of all the drama.”
_Washington Examiner: _“Hogan expressed concern about the future of the GOP after Trump lost to President-elect Joe Biden, and he plans to be active in charting its course post-Trump…Hogan won two landslide elections in deep-blue Maryland, running as a pragmatic, Reagan Republican who eschewed the party’s turn toward combative populism.”
Politico: “During a Monday speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, Hogan offered a direct rebuke of Trump’s Republican Party, warning that ‘divisive rhetoric and toxic politics is alienating large parts of the country’…Hogan added: ‘Some Republicans simply want to return to the way things were before 2016 while others want to continue in the same direction as if this election never happened.”
_CNN: _“The Maryland governor knocked the ‘political virtue signaling or preaching to the choir’ that happens on the right, adding that his party is at a time for choosing, a nod to the speech Reagan gave on behalf of Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in 1964…Hogan had plenty of criticism for Democrats, as well. He described the party as one that ‘wants to impose radical solutions’ and is just as much to blame for the heated rhetoric in Washington.”
_The Jerusalem Post: _“Speaking at the Ronald Reagan Foundation, he added that the president ‘wasn’t effective,’ and called for a GOP recalibration that will combine Trump’s outsider persona with bipartisan outreach.”
_Newsweek: _“Hogan said he also thinks Trump’s focus should be on tackling the coronavirus pandemic that is surging in states across the country and the economic fallout that has been linked to it.”
_ABC News: _“The self-described ‘Reagan Republican’ also underscored the urgency of a smooth transition between the two administrations particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which he compared to a war.”